Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Carpenters...and pumpkin pie...

Yesterday, during my visit with Dr. Mark, my sweetheart came to my mind when a holiday song by the Carpenters came on. While hearing Karen's voice, my eyes swelled up thinking about Christmas without him again.

Today, while looking for something to eat, I found leftovers from Thanksgiving dinner. It was pumpkin pie. Pumpkin pie was sweetheart's favorite dessert. Especially topped with a lot of whipped cream.

I think of sweetheart everyday. I miss you very much.

Below is the Carpenter's sing "Merry Christmas Darling" I found on Youtube.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Let the holidays begin...

Thanksgiving has come and gone.

Then, at the stroke of midnight it was the Black Friday. It was busy at the stores. Best Buy had a 42" flat screen tv for $300.00. But, you had to be in line to get one. From the news I saw on Thanksgiving Thursday, people were already camped out on Wednesday to get that first spot. I braved the madness on Friday and went downtown. It was busy. I went to Old Navy and saw a couple of things that I might get.

Today, is Cyber Monday, where a lot of purchases will be made online. I checked Amazon and Target. I was tempted by didn't make a purchase.

I think it's due to the fact that I didn't have any spare cash to spend on Black Friday or Cyber Monday. One of these days, I'll be able to partake on this holiday tradition.

But for now, the recent paycheck went to paying the monthly rent and storage.

But, I did buy a lotto ticket. One of these day, one of these lotto tickets will come thru for me. And as the say, it only take one ticket to win. So, I play my $1.00 and keep my fingers crossed.

Bye for now.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Once upon a time ...

Once upon a time…

It was a Tuesday night in May. Two tennis buddies decided to drive to the East Bay and go roller skating. This was the first time skating for the younger guy. They drove to the roller rink in his buddy’s beige VW. His buddy was the expert. He can skate forward, backward, jump and do spins. The younger bud laced this skates for the first time. He slowly walked off the rugged floor and to the hard wood floors. He did his best to skate taking one shaky step at a time. Everyone was going clockwise. Other skaters were passing by. The music was disco. He loved dance music.  He kept head down, trying to keep his balance, and trying not to fall. Unknown, to the young bud, another skater was there that night and was admiring him.

At mid-point of the evening, the DJ announced that was couples’ skate. The young bud started to skate off the hard wood floor. Then, all of the sudden, the admirer came behind him and asked him to the couples’ skate. He said yes. From then on, the two was inseparable.  They skated together until it was closing time.

The admirer headed back to the city on the chartered bus while the two tennis buddies head back in the VW.

The admirer and young bud made a date for the following week.

To be continued…

Today's Image - Santa

Every year this home dresses up for the holiday. Enjoy....

Saturday, November 26, 2011


As you might have noticed, I've included digital photos on my blog.

Since the day I lost my sweetheart, I've picked up his Nikon D60 and started taking pictures.

My sweetheart had a passion for photography. He moved from his manual Nikon SLR to digital Nikon D40 and D60. He took pride in his photo works.

As a result, I've decided to take on his passion. So, I've decided to include one of my digital photos every day on my blog.

This act is in appreciation for my sweetheart.

Love you sweetie.


Friday, November 25, 2011

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

I spent the day at Concord getting Thanksgiving dinner ready for my family.

We had the turkey with the fixings. Also on menu was ham, potato gratin, sweet potato gratin, mashed turnips, baked salmon, steamed rock cod, garlic shrimp with noodles, spaghetti, pancit palabok, chinese baked goods, spinach dip, baby croissant sandwiches in ham, turkey, roast beef and pastrami, cookies, german chocolate brownies, pumpkin pie, and pumpkin cheesecake. It was a feast!!!

But most important, family was there celebrate this Thanksgiving day. I'm very grateful that most of my family was here tonight.

For me, one special person was missing for today's celebration. This is my 2nd Thanksgiving without my sweetheart. My heart is heavy today. I miss him always.

I know my sweetheart is in heaven celebrating this day with God and his family.

Miss you and love you sweetheart.


Today's Image - Christmas Ornaments

Thanksgiving is over...

Christmas is now here.

Enjoy these holiday ornaments.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Let It Be...

I'm watching TheX-Factor USA and Chris Rene's rendition of the Beatles' "Let It Be".

This song brings tears to my eyes because of the deep meaning of the lyrics. With it's first line: "In the time of trouble, Mother Mary comes to me, speaking words of wisdom..let it be..there will be answers... let it be".

There will be times when there will be no answers. One will just have to give time and the answer will come.

When I hear this song, I think of my sweetheart. Oh, I miss you so.


Monday, November 21, 2011

Sunday, November 20, 2011


With Thanksgiving only 4 day away, I am grateful for my health, having a job during this bad period of the US economy, and having my family.

Coming from a large family, I cherish my family get together where we can bond and support each other.

But, I am missing one special person in my family. This will be my second Thanksgiving without my sweetheart.

But, I keep our memories in my heart and mind forever. I'll be thinking about you this Thursday sweetie.

Miss you and love you always..


Today's Image


I've always loved these puffy clouds.

Isn't nature wonderful!!!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

For Good ...from Wicked

Thinking of my sweetheart...

"....because I knew you, I've been changed for good..."

"..you'll be with me like a hand print on my heart..."

This song from "Wicked" expresses my feeling toward my sweetheart.

I miss you and love you very much.


Friday, November 18, 2011


Today, Regis Philbin hosted his last "Live" show with Kelly Rippa.

Regis spent 28-1/2 years on "Live". He has given the viewing audience a wonderful time. He'll be missed. Can't wait to see what he'll do next.

Tonight, on my TV schedule was Chuck, Grimm, and Fringe. All shows were great and wait for new episodes in December/January.

Bye for now.

Today's Image


Isn't Mother Nature wonderful!!!

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Mantra: shoulders back, chest out, ears aligned with shoulders, shoulders aligned with hips and this is my ritual now.

Ever since my neck injury in March this year where a MRI detected a herniated disk in neck (C-5), I've been going to physical therapy, massage therapy, and chiropractic therapy to help me in dealing with my neck injury. With the help from Dr. Mark and his staff, I've been working for the past 8 months trying to re-learn how to work and live with new guidelines. I used to work on the computer with hunched shoulder and bad posture. During my treatment with Dr. Mark, he noticed the my shoulder area had developed bump due to scare tissues that built up. He also noticed that my left are was not as developed as my right arm. Apparently, veins weren't shooting correctly and my left are began to atrophy. But, with exercises with a rubber band and stretching, my left arm is slowing building muscle mass.

I'm very grateful for Dr. Mark and the treatment he's giving me for my neck injury.


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

1st time on my own...

It's almost 2 years that I've been living on my own.

In January 2010, I lost the love of my life. During 2010, I felt lost without him. I was on automatic pilot. I would go to work for 8 hours and come home to an empty apartment. I felt alone and lonely. Sometime, I cry myself to sleep.

I'm taking life one day at a time. Keeping my memories alive. 31 years together is a long time. We had a good life together. I was hoping that we'd grow old together.

But, he'll will be always be in my heard and mind.

Love you always, sweetheart and miss you so much.


Today's Street Art - La Mujer Rojo

Here's today street art:

I love this one.


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Redemption and Love...

My all time favorite musical is "Les Miserables".

It's a story of redemption and love.

From Jean Valjean's life after being imprisoned for stealing a loaf of bread for his family to making a good life for himself and Cosette; to Fantine's scarfice of giving up her child; Eponine's love for Marius; Marius' love for Cosette; Enjolras' and Marius' love for their country, Victor Hugo writes about how love and redemption effects everyone.

There are many songs to love in this musical. But, my favorite is "I Dreamed A Dream". It's a heart breaker.

I've seen this musical 5 times. I really enjoyed the 10th year anniversary edition.

Live on Les Mes..

Today's Street Art - "La Mujer"

Here's today street art:

Pretty woman with a nice smile.


Monday, November 14, 2011

Swan Song..."Home"

It's Monday. On the TV schedule, Dancing with the Stars, The Sing Off, and Castle.

On the DWTS, it's semi-finals week. With J.R., Hope, Rikki and Rob K. dancing to get into the finals. It's look like it will be JR's to lose or Rikki to win. Long shot Rob K. looked good tonight.

No Castle tonight. Pre-empted by a 20/20 special on Gabby Gifford.

But, the surprise was on The Sing Off, one of my favorite group, BYU's Vocal Point was voted off. Their swan song was Michael Bubel's "Home". One of my favorite songs.

Also, watched Bob Costas' phone interview with Jerry Sandusky regarding the Penn State sex scandal.

Bye for now.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Fairy Tales..

I'm getting ready to watch the next episode of ABC's "Once Upon A Time".

I'm also following NBC's "Grimm".

Both shows are giving new view of children's fairy tales.

Enjoying both shows!!!

Today's Street Art

I found this artwork during my walk today.


Saturday, November 12, 2011

Blessed day...

Today, my family celebrated the baptism of my niece, Arianna and nephew, Grayson.

My sweetheart, Cliff would have enjoyed this day seeing his god child's ,Arianna's, christening. Cliff was so happy when Janet asked him to be the god father.

I know Cliff was at the church in spirit to see this blessed day.

Love and miss you Cliff.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Veteran's Day 11-11-11

It's Veteran's Day in the USA. Just wanted to say thank you to all the military men and women who are serving our great country with pride. I salute you and say thank you.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Bright moonlight evening...

As I wrote yesterday, I'm big TV junky. On tonight's schedule, the X-Factor results show, Person of Interest, Grey's Anatomy, and Private Practice. I'll be DVRing the Person of Interest.

News of the day: the Penn State sex scandal. I watched the riots on Penn State due the firing of Joe Paterno and school's President.

Local News: The Occupy encampment in SF and Oakland is still going. There was an attempt to setup an Occupy encampment on UC Berkeley's Sproul Plaza. There confrontation with police. The protestors were asked to leave this morning but they said they would be back this evening in bigger numbers.

That's it for now. My shows will be starting. Gotta start watching.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Today's Street Art

Here a picture of street art work I found in my neighborhood.


1st day of my blog...

It's Wednesday 11/9/11 and just created my first blog.

My goal is to jot down my daily experiences with this blog.

I'm a big TV buff. On tonight's schedule, X-Factor USA and American Horror Story. Update on my thoughts of tonight's show on tomorrow's entry.

Bye for now.