Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Year 2012...

Feb. 29, 2012...Leap Year!!!

It's a sad. The music world lost Davy Jones of the Monkees due to heart attack. R.I.P. Davy. Loved your voice and music.

The music world is recovering with the lost of Whitney Houston.

Yesterday, Dancing with the Stars introduced their new cast. Jack Wagner, Sherri Shepard, Martina Navratilova, Jaleel White, and William Levy to name a few of the stars.Can't wait to see the new season.

Its been cold the last couple of days. Had rain last night. Can't wait for warmer weather.

Love you & miss you sweetheart.


Today's Street Art - Bear #1

Enjoy..found several bears in the's one of them...

Friday, February 24, 2012

Monday, February 20, 2012

Take the time...

Time is too short.

With last Saturday's funeral for Whitney Houston and the private burial on Sunday, the world said goodbye and God's speed to Whitney. The Voice is silenced. But, Whitney left the world her music and movies to live on.

In that regards, everyone should take the time to say to everyone they love.."I Love You" because one doesn't know when their time will come. You might not have one more time to see, talk, hug, or kiss that special person.

So, 3 little words. Please say them and especially, show them your love.

Love you and miss you sweetheart.


Friday, February 17, 2012

Today's Image - Sunrise in SF #2

Enjoy...isn't God wonderful...another beautiful sunrise...

Thursday, February 16, 2012


First time I heard this song was by Michael Buble.

Then, Blake Shelton song the song with country sound.

Then, last Tuesday, Damian McGinty sang the song on "Glee".

I love this song very much because deep down I'm more comfortable at home.

I remember when sweetheart and I were away, I told him that I couldn't wait to get back home. Our home.

With sweetie in heaven, I know that when I meet him there, we'll back home and together again.

Love you and miss you sweetheart.


Today's Street Art - From small beginings..

Enjoy...from a small sampling..with alot of attention...this too will flourish..

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Hearts...Glee..Valentine's Day

It's Valentine's Day..just finished watching "Hearts" episode on Glee.

It was was fun episode. Loved the singing especially "Home" by Damian McGinty and "I Will Always Love You" by Amber Rielly.

Both songs brought tears to my eyes and made think of my sweetheart.

This is the 3rd Valentine's Day without him.

Miss you and love you sweetie.


Saturday, February 11, 2012

Today's Image - Sunrise in SF

Enjoy..I wake up everyone morning to this..amazing..

Queen of Pop..The Voice..R.I.P.

Today, we lost Whitney Houston.She was 48.

I grew up listening to her voice and her music.I loved her dance songs, ballads, and especially her version of Dolly Parton's "I Will Always Love You".

Whitney left us with her songs and music. She'll be missed.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Prop 8..unconstitutional...US Supreme Court next...

Sweetheart must be smiling in heaven.

He worked hard on the No on Prop 8 campaign. But, he was disappointed when it won.

But, with today's 2-1 ruling by the Ninth US Circuit of Appeals decision in SF, gays move a little making it legal to marry.

Unfortunately, sweetie and I didn't get to a married in SF. But, in spirit, we'll always be each other's special someone.

Love you. Miss you. Sweetie.


Today's Image Clouds of my favorite things...

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Super Bowl Sunday!!!

It's the Big Game. Super Bowl Sunday. NY Giants vs the NE Patriots.

It should be a good game. Waiting to see this years Super Bowl commercials. Plus, Madonna is performing at half time.

I went to church this morning. I'll try to do some laundry during the day. Otherwise, it's relaxing day.


Saturday, February 4, 2012

Today's Street Art - Year of the Dragon - Gung Hay Fat Choy celebration of Chinese New Year and the Year of the Dragon..this dragon is displayed on SF Civic Center across from SF City Hall...

Friday, February 3, 2012

Who Do You Think You Are...

Tonight, I'm watching the 3rd season of NBC's "Who Do You Think You Are?".

It's about genealogy and family history. In this show, actors find their genealogy.

I know my sweetie would have loved this show. Since he was a genealogist as a hobby, he would love to hear how these actors find out about their history.

I'm hoping to publish my sweetheart's genealogy work and send it back MI.

Love you sweetie.


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Love, Peace..and Soul...

Yesterday, we lost Don Cornelius, the creator of "Soul Train".

I used to watch "Soul Train" in my teens. Loved the music. Loved the dancing. Enjoyed the greatly.

RIP Mr. Cornelius and thank you.
