Saturday, March 24, 2012

Today's Image - Clouds

Enjoy...this was taken a couple of days ago...I was on my way home from work and looked up at the sky and saw these great cloud formations...


Rain...sweetheart loved the rain..the sound of rain falling down and hitting everything..

I remember one of sweetie's favorite cd is of rainstorms.

Sweetie would relax to the sound of the rain.

It's raining in the city today. The rain started last night and it's been constant today. This morning I did laundry. I took clothes to the cleaners. I took the bus to McDonalds for lunch. I remember that sweetie and I used to go to this McDonald's for breakfast and lunch. I cherish those visits. Then, I stop Comcast and picked up a 2nd digital cable box for the 2nd HD tv. Last stop was at Walgreen to get supplies. So, it was a good day. I got alot done.

But, rain reminded me of sweetie.

Miss you.


Mike Delfino's Poem...

"I love you once
I love you twice
I love you more than beans and rice" - Mike Delfino - Desperate Housewives.

James Denton said this poem to Terry Hatcher when their characters Mike & Susan got married.

I watched the Mike's funeral episode again.

Tears came when MJ was asking "Heaven" and when Vanessa Williams sang "Amazing Grace" at the end of Mike's funeral.

The show made me remember my sweetheart and how's sweetie is in a better place - Heaven.

Love you and miss you sweetheart.


Friday, March 23, 2012

Touch..Awake...back to back...

Last night was good night for tv viewing.

Fox's Touch had it's premier show. I love the show's theme of connectivity. Enjoy Martin and Jake.

Afterwards, I watched NBC's Awake. The show is of a cop who loses his wife in one storyline and loses his son in the same storyline. But, the cop switch between the 2 worlds in his dreams. The question is which is real? Is his wife dead? Or is his son dead? I love how he can solve his police case with clue from both dreams.

Bye for now.

Today's Image - Green/Purple

Enjoy...saw these plants on my way home...


One of my favorite show is back. Fringe is back!!! Tonight, Peter and Olive found their way together with the help the observer.

I'm glad the story line of parallel worlds are solved.

Now, the show can concentrate on the current timeline.

Bye for now.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

One Sweet Day...

In memory of my sweetheart...

Here's a song from Mariah Carey and Boyz II Men - "One Sweet Day".

This song brings to tears when I hear the lyrics and think of my sweetheart.

Love you and miss you sweetie.Especially today on your birthday.



Happy Birthday Wish...

Today is my sweetheart's birthday.

This is the 3rd year I'm celebrating it alone. But, I know my sweetheart is with me in spirit always.

Happy Birthday...sweetie!!!

Love you and miss you. Always.


Cold, wet, 10 days...

The rains have come. It's cold and wet and supposed to be like this for the next 10 days.

The rain is needed for the plants, water reservoirs, and the ski slopes.

But, I can't for the warmer weather.

Bye for now.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

DLS 2012

This morning it was Daylight Savings time again. Time sprung forward an hour.

The weather is overcast and cold in the City. The sun trying to come out.

I hope it warms up soon.

Bye for now.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Today's Street Art - Question?

During one of my walks, I saw this question on a building.

My answers: family, having a job, being in good health, and most of all, the 31 years together with my sweetheart. I'm so grateful that my sweetheart met each other, decided to live together after 2 years of knowing each other, and loving relationship for 31 years.

Miss you and love you very much sweetie.


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Today's Street Art - Touch

Enjoy...I saw this last weekend...I was walking and under this home's bay window was this artwork...

Monday, March 5, 2012

Saturday, March 3, 2012

"8" - Play by Dustin Lance Black

Just finished watching Justin Lance Black's new play "8". It was being streamed live on YouTube.

Sponsored by American Foundation of Equal Rights and directed by Rob Reiner. The play was read by an all star cast. Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Martin Sheen, and Kevin Bacon as the main roles. Matthew Morrison, Matt Bomer, Chris Colfer, and Jane Lynch were also in the cast.

It was a powerful play as a result the CA 9th Circuit of Appeals stuck down Prop 8.

I'm glad that the play is now on YouTube to be seen by the whole world.

Sweetheart must be smiling in heaven now. He worked hard on the No 8 campaign.

Love you and miss you sweetie.


Today's Image - Purple Flower

Enjoy...saw this flower on my walk down Castro street...