Thursday, April 26, 2012


It's my birthday today. It was pretty quiet day. Went to work. Received phone call wishes. Received Facebook birthday wishes. But, I had to work on my birthday. Both a normal 8-5 shift, then I had to be on conference call with India for 2 hours this evening. It was fine.

But, it's the 3rd year celebrating my birthday without my sweetie.

I know sweetie is looking down from heaven and wishing me a great birthday.

I wish you were here with me but I know you're with me in spirit.

Love and miss you sweetie.


Friday, April 20, 2012

Street Art - Memorial

I'd like to add Mr. Dick Clark and Whitney Houston to this list...

As the mural says, you both are gone but not forgotten.

Mr. Dick Clark...The Oldest Teenager..American Bandstand...RIP

Today, heaven received another angel..Dick Clark.

We lost Dick Clark today due to a massive heart attack.

But, Dick will be remember for his contribution to society.

For me, I remember him for American Bandstand, New Year Eve show, American Music Awards, The Daytime Emmy Awards, $25,000 Pyramid Show, and many more.

Thank you Mr. Clark for fulfilling my life with your works.


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Today's Image - Wisteria

Enjoy...on my block..there are 2 houses with wisteria climbing its walls and blooming..I love this time of year..

Wild wise...

Sweetheart would have loved tonight.

We had rolling thunder storms and rain.

One of sweetie's favorite things was rain and thunder. Sweetie had a cd with rain and thunder storms to listen to.

Love and miss you sweetheart.


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Friday, April 6, 2012

Contact #2

While checking my emails, I noticed that I received a birthday wish from Ben.

I responded with a thank you email to Ben & Bob.

Ben had some news. Ben & Bob will be going to Greece for vacation. Alan & Ver have decided to move to the Philippines at the end of the year.

I wished Ben and Bob a great trip to Greece.


Contact #1

I was getting of the F train at Noe street when I saw John waving at me. It took me a while to notice who it was but I remember him. John used to next door to sweetie and me.

I told John that I thought he moved to PA when he moved out of the apartment building. Apparently, John and partner at the time decided to end their relationship. John decided to stay in the City. John is still working at the Academy and now living at the outer Mission with his new partner of 3 years.

John asked to send his regards to sweetie. But, I broke the news that I lost sweetie 2 years ago. John was sadden with the news.

We said our goodbyes and said to stay in touch.


Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Back to normal routine...

It has been pretty busy lately. But, I'm back to my normal schedule.

In the past week, I participated in a training session with our new India office. I had to help put together 2 powerpoint presentations on my company's accounting and timecard procedures. There were 3 late night conference calls with India. We had a couple set backs while setting up the conference calls. But, managed to get thru them and made the presentation.

I'm glad the India training is all over and no more working from home.

Bye for now.