Saturday, June 30, 2012

Today's Street Art - Beauty #1

Enjoy...saw this during one my her look...

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Today's Image - Happy Gay Pride Day's 6/24/12..Happy Gay Pride Day in San Francisco...

Friday, June 22, 2012

Today's Image - Gay Pride Weekend Begins in SF's SF LGBT Pride weekend...

This first photo was Gap's window display:

Then, on my way home, this balloon shop celebrate this weekend celebration with this rainbow arch overlooking SF Castro Street.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Today's Street Art - A Man Thinking took me a second to find the thinking man...

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Today's Street Art - LGBT Celebration's Gay Pride Week in SF...the LGBT community is ready to celebrate...the big parade is coming next Sunday...

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Today's Street Art - Family

Enjoy...saw this today...Mission Neighborhood Health Center...

Monday, June 11, 2012

Robin Roberts...a fighter...

This morning on Good Morning America, Robin Roberts announced that she is in the early stage of battling MDS. MDS is a blood disease caused by her breast cancer treatment. It's been 5 years since Robin won her battle with breast cancer. But, in early May, her doctors advised her of this new blood disease. Robin has many things going in her favor: she young, the diagnosis was caught early, she is good health, and she has found a perfect bone marrow donor. The donor is her sister.

Robin was very classy in the she announce the news to GMA audience with her co-workers on hand.

All our prayers are with you Robin.

You'll win this fight too!!!


Today's Street Art - Blue Cactus

Enjoy...found this round, prickly, blue cactus near the red cactus...

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Today's Street Art - Red Cactus

Enjoy..saw this the red...

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Today's Image - Dramatic Petunia

Enjoy...I haven't seen this color combination before...

Today's Street Art - Joyful Girls

Enjoy...the wonderment of being a little kid...

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Today's Street Art - Along The Embarcadero..

Enjoy...these creatures are along the real...

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

America's Got Talent - Tim Poe & Andrew De Leon

On this week's America's Got Talent, Tim Poe and Andrew de Leon showed us why they should be taken noticed.

Tim Poe, an Afgan vet, who served US and was injured to grenade attack, which broke his back and damaged his brain. Due to the brain injury, Tim has a stutter when he speaks. But, when Tim sings. Everything disappears. Tim was great.

Andrew de Leon. As they say, you can't judge a book by its cover. Andrew was Marilyn Mason like and goth. He didn't think much of himself. It was Andrew's first time singing to anyone. People in general and his parent specifically. But, when Andrew open his mouth and sang in opera. Everyone was blew away. The judges. The audience. His parents. Andrew was great.

Again, it all comes down to the human spirit. We can produce wonderful music with no limits.


Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Constantine Bates' Question of the Day...

There was another part of "The Help" that was my favorite.

It was Constantine's question to Skeeter when was a little girl:

"Am I going to believe all them bad things them fools say about me today?"

Again, it comes down to one's self worth and to know thy self.


Aibileen Clark's Mantra...

I finally watched "The Help".

I was very moved the movie.

One of my favorite part of the movie was Aibileen's words/belief in raising children.

Aibileen's says: "You is kind. You is smart. You is important."

One's self worth is very important.


Civic Duty...

Today is the June 2012 primary California.

I did my civic duty and casted my vote in 2012 presidential primary. I was the first person in line to vote. I casted the first democratic vote for precinct 3538.

I felt very proud after voting today.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Today's Image - Old Glory

Enjoy...on my way to my dad's birthday lunch..I saw one of my favorite things..Old Glory...I salute you..I honor you...I thank you...and to all the service men and women who protect the meaning of Old Glory and our freedom ..Thank you.

Saturday, June 2, 2012