Sunday, March 31, 2013

Today's Image - Double Rainbows

Enjoy...yesterday, it rained and when I looked out the window I saw the rainbows..

Today's Street Art - Mobile

Enjoy...near my neighborhood, these mobiles are put up. I like this one.

Today's Image - Wisteria's that time year again....spring is here and the wisteria is in bloom.

Birthday Wish...

It's March 15, 2013.

It's the Ides of March.

Today is sweetheart's birthday.

It's the fourth year that I'm celebrating your birthday without you.

But, I know that you're in heaven celebrating with the angels.

Happy Birthday Sweetheart.

Miss you and love you especially today on your special today.


Today's Street Art - Tile #1 - Blue & White

The other day, I saw some title work at the neighborhood park.

There a number of titles that I liked.

So, here's one of them.

I love the blues, the faces and the birds.


Saturday, March 9, 2013

Today's Street Art - I AM


When I first saw these, they were at base level green. This is the final product. So, much detail for each of the characters.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Today's Image: Hydrangea

One of my favorite flower and color:


Thursday, March 7, 2013

Today's Image: Cactus

I was walking home and saw these cactus plants.

Love the colors. Love the multiple petals/leaves.


Today's Image: Nemo Chair

I first saw this Nemo chair while riding the bus.

The chair was at the patio of local restaurant.

Then, I see it at my office. A vendor is displaying the chair as possible consideration for one of their project.

This the back view. The seat is on the other side.


Friday, March 1, 2013