Saturday, March 24, 2012


Rain...sweetheart loved the rain..the sound of rain falling down and hitting everything..

I remember one of sweetie's favorite cd is of rainstorms.

Sweetie would relax to the sound of the rain.

It's raining in the city today. The rain started last night and it's been constant today. This morning I did laundry. I took clothes to the cleaners. I took the bus to McDonalds for lunch. I remember that sweetie and I used to go to this McDonald's for breakfast and lunch. I cherish those visits. Then, I stop Comcast and picked up a 2nd digital cable box for the 2nd HD tv. Last stop was at Walgreen to get supplies. So, it was a good day. I got alot done.

But, rain reminded me of sweetie.

Miss you.


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